Family Time

Thank goodness it is Friday because it has been a long and busy week. But, I am looking forward to a fun weekend with family. We are headed to Charlotte, NC to attend a baby shower for my sister in law and brother and to celebrate my dad's 65th birthday! 
So in honor of family and spending quality time together  I leave you with these fun pictures of Ariyana  and me making cupcakes together.  Have a fabulous weekend!

The finished product


Ariyana is trying to use the mixer but she is scared of it

She is happier with the whisk

Ariyana is filling up the cups but complains because she keeps getting the batter on her hands

As soon as I put the cupcakes in the oven she asks "All done?"

While putting sprinkles on the cupcakes Ariyana has the urge to taste them and make sure they are "ok"

No holding back...we are not even finished putting the icing on the cupcakes before she goes after one

And we are done.....