One Year of Style

{Photo Credit- Kelly at Style Attic}

Today marks the one year anniversary of STYLE'N! Thank you for following along and for your comments and support this past year. I can honestly say that I have grown more in the past year than I have in the past few years and it's all because this blog has allowed me to express my creativity and with this has come some amazing opportunities as well as some wonderful new friendships and partnerships.

So here is my very first post from May 25th, 2010. I don't think anyone read it but to me it is the single most important post because it captured the reasons I started blogging and it marked the beginning of this wonderful journey.

Welcome to style'n-May 25th 2010 Since the New Year, I decided I want to start being more creative so I figured why not start a blog? A virtual journal is an amazing way to capture all the things going on in my everyday life but also a great way to connect to others. I love all things associated with style and I am hoping this blog will be an outlet for me to share my personal style and all the things I love most. so here goes.....
