


eating...these days I am consciously eating more foods with protein, such as cheese, eggs, salmon and limiting the amount of carbohydrates I am taking in. I am also eating more salads, fruits, and vegetables. Oh and I have a minor addiction to mini chips ahoy cookies and I eat them every single day. 

reading...still reading these books. I know I am slow but my new goal is to read more often...even if it's just fifteen minutes a day. 

watching...finally watched the Hunger Games last weekend in our home theatre. And I have to admit the past three months I have not really watched much T.V. at all. 

listening to... These are two great songs I listen to on the treadmill. Anything could happen by Ellie Goulding and End of Time by Beyonce. 

dreaming of... going to South Africa...hopefully next year!

anticipating...Thanksgiving because we are hosting this year and we will have a full house filled with family for five days. It will be so much fun! 

loving...the fact that cooler fall weather is almost here and soon I can layer up my outfits with fun jackets and boots. Fall is my favorite season of the year. 

creating...well we have been traveling quite a bit the past two months so I took a break from decorating but now I am trying to finish up decorating my bedroom and family room. 

appreciating...having my own schedule and the ability to to work for myself. It's been so much fun lately doing more personal styling and working here at STYLE'N. I have decided to get back into tennis after a short break, learn how to play golf, and my friend Roma has convinced me to attend spin class with her at the gym.  Looks like I need like 4 new pairs of shoes including new running shoes. Yikes!

celebrating...nothing in particular except that I feel happy and content. That's a good reason to break open the bubbly right?

I saw this adorable list over at jodie noted and loved it so much I decided to give it a try here.  Here is my last currently post.