Have You Checked Out Rack It Up?
A few weeks ago I was shopping with a client for some wardrobe essentials and there were several items she wanted to buy but didn't really need them. She preferred to wait until the items go on sale and then get them. But more than likely she will forget about the items or won't have time to check and see if and when they go on sale. Rack It Up takes care of this problem and changes the way you shop.
Created by friends Briana Pashcow and Alexandra Fishlinger Rack It Up is for all of the busy women out there who can't shop flash sales during their busy work week. The website was created so that you can "rack up" items in your closet that you're interested in. When you select the clothes, you choose your size and color and save it to your closet. If the item goes on sale you get an email notification. You can select a certain percentage, a price drop, or any discount.
Here's how it works
Here is a peek at just a few of the items I racked up in my closet.
Today I am over at Rack It Up as a featured trendsetter. Check out my closet and Rack It Up here!. It's super easy and quite addictive!
And in case you missed it I featured the talented and lovely Ali and Bri from Rack It Up over here on my Style Profile series.