Skincare Strategy #1

Hi everyone. I hope you're having a great week so far. Today our fashion and beauty contributor Faith Pierce is sharing her favorite skincare products, daily routine, and beauty tips for dry skin. And on Saturday I will be sharing my everyday skincare routine so be sure to head back over and check it out! 

Skincare is something over the years I've learned to not take lightly. Seeing as I have drier skin (especially during these winter months) I have relied on a few tried and true products to keep my skin smooth, hydrated, and prepped for whatever makeup I may throw on it. 

Cleansing Water: The REN Cleansing Water is a newer incorporation into my skincare routine. I added it as a first step to remove that initial layer of makeup (it also serves as my morning cleanser since it is quick and gentle). Since the product is a 3-in-1 it acts as a makeup remover, cleanser, and toner. 


Eye Makeup Remover: On days that I wear full eye makeup (think the Tom Ford liner, waterproof mascara, etc) I pull out my Clarins Instant Eye Makeup Remover. This product melts away eye makeup easily and I'm not left tugging and pulling at my eyes.


Cleanser: In the shower I use this REN Cleansing Milk to really get my skin clean from makeup, grime, and dirt. Since I have dry skin this product is perfect for me - it is gentle, moisture filled, and doesn't leave my skin feeling stripped after using it.


Exfoliator: Since my skin is drier I was recommended this chemical exfoliant. It removes the layer of dead skin without being super harsh (like some beaded exfoliators can be). It leaves my skin glowing and fresh feeling. I usually use this one exclusively on Sunday night (and occasionally on Wednesday if my skin is really needing it). 


Serum: Before moisturizing I load up on serum the extra layer really helps to lock in the hydration that my skin so desperately needs. This one is a radiance boosting serum so it helps to keep my skin looking dewy and naturally glowy.


Moisturizer: Since all my other products heavily concentrate on moisture and hydration I was recommended a moisturizer that was hydrating but lightweight. This one is the perfect balance - it locks in moisture without leaving my face feeling like it has a ton of product loaded up on it. It also dries down well so that I don't feel greasy when climbing into bed.


Thermal Spring Water: This is pretty much one of those sort-of, kind-of ridiculous products (glorified water if you will) that I'm not sure how to exactly describe. If my skin is feeling particularly beat by the harsh winter weather I will spritz a bit of this on my face as a last step. It helps to add a bit of cooling moisture. I will also spray it over my base makeup in the morning sometime if I'm feeling that things are looking a bit cakey. 


Balm: My dry lip savior! Before climbing into bed each night I like to add a bit of the Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream onto my lips. Since this is a heavy duty, long lasting balm it's perfect to sleep in. I wake up with my lips feeling repaired and soft.